
Education Board

For education professionals, human resource experts, product academies, or certifying organizations, the education board represents our efforts to impact the growing need to serve sporting communities with high-tech skills. We extend limited duration partnership agreements to board participants who support programs and community development projects.      

The education board helps the sports industry deepen its understanding of high-tech workforce strategies, professional certification requirements, product skill assessments, program accreditations, learning management systems, and the staffing needs from employers.  

  • STEM Programming
  • Workforce Training
  • Research & Studies
  • Course Development
  Meeting Frequency     Meeting Place  

  Meeting Duration  

      Appointed         Board Chair  
      Monthly [10]            Virtual         1 Hour 2 Years   TBD  

The education board is the primary advisory board for all educational activities. The executive board is currently seeking an experienced partner to further develop the board and help plan strategic milestones. Continue scrolling to apply…  

Candidate Skill Preference

Your time with the institute will help advance your career in sports, education, or technologies. 

Program Accreditation

Course Development

Education Management


Expected Time Allocation

We’re seeking board candidates that can commit to one hour a month at a minimum. The work effort may include virtual meetings, content creation, market research, or – if a travel assignment is accepted all expenses paid travel. 

Appointed vs Elected Board Members

All board seat appointments are authorized by the executive board or current education board members. Board members may develop standard organizational frameworks such as a directorship. Formalization may include joint bylaws which describe policies or budget allocation as an internal stakeholder partnership. Additional board seats may be approved by the executive board where growth demands.

Executive Authorizations

All boards are internal boards operating under the explicit permission of the organization. Boards serve either a global trade or education mission. Board candidates maintain seats based on performance reviews or peer elections. Board members are volunteers and as such are not payroll employed, without any compensation rights. Board members may request individual partner status to access incentives or perks. Each two year cycle partner agreements must be reinitiated.  

Any board member withdrawing an application or resigning their seat must do so in writing and is immediately freed from any present or future obligation.